About us
Vyrmantas Radzevičius from Kaunas has been collecting and propagating various nut ripening plants, for over 50 years. Plants have been verified not only in Lithuania, but also in Latvia and Finland.
At the beginning of the company’s activity, walnut trees were grown from seed in the hope that they would inherit the characteristics of the sown nut. Unfortunately, most of the trees had to be cut down after 10-15 years due to their inferiority, and from the remaining, slightly better-quality nuts, further attempts were made to propagate the walnut trees with seedlings. It took another 10 years to realize that this method leads to a qualitative regression of the nuts. It was then decided to purchase grafted and resistant varieties from foreign nurseries and to start propagating nut trees vegetatively (by grafting or budding). Thus began the collection of various varieties of nut trees.
About plants
The majority of the plants consisted of nut tree varieties, that were the most resistant to cold and diseases, from Canada, USA, Russia, Belarus, Moldova, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Poland, Denmark, the Czech Republic and Armenia. All plants grow for 8-20 years in various regions of Lithuania and only those varieties that have been resistant to cold, diseases, high productivity and excellent taste are distributed. The collection is constantly supplemented not only with the new varieties from abroad, but also with varieties obtained by crossing these varieties with other species of nut trees in Lithuania. The hybrids obtained this way have a special resistance and can grow in Climate Zone 4, and the most resistant – in Climate Zone 3.

Our advantages:
- The collection contains the most cold-resistant varieties from around the world and they have been tested under our conditions (Climate Zone 4). There are also plants that, along with highly cold-resistant root stocks, can ripen nuts in Climate Zone 3.
- We sell only grafted nut trees that will inherit 100% of the properties of the mother plants.
- Plants are grafted and grown in Lithuania (Climate Zone 4).
- Nut trees ripens 3-5 years after planting.
- Walnut trees are grafted indoors in December-April.
Useful information
ROOTSTOCK – a plant whose root system and stem are used for grafting or budding.
SCION WOOD – a scion wood or its bud which transmits the characteristics of a variety.
GRAFTED PLANT – a plant whose graft has taken root and inherited 100% of the characteristics of the mother plant.
VARIETY – means the unique name or number assigned to a plant. The variety has characteristics that distinguish it from other varieties. They are preserved by vegetative propagation.
SEEDLING – a plant grown from seed. It is the result of the fertilization of two different plants (mother and father). This means that it is not identical to any of them. The seedling of a breeding plant does not inherit 100% of the characteristics of that variety and may not be called by the name of that variety. The seedling can be identified by referring to the mother tree with the word “seedling”.